Sunday, November 9, 2008

Peanut chikki (Shengadane Papadi)


Roashed and grinded peanuts - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Grated coconut - 4-5 tbs
Ghee/butter - 1 tsp


1. Take the sugar in a non-stick pan and heat it on medium flame, till the sugar melts completely. (Do not add water)

2. Add Peanut powder and coconut to the above sugar syrup.

3.Remove from fire and mix all ingredients together.

4. Grease the reverse side of plate with ghee/butter and spread the hot mixture on it and roll evenly with greased chapati roller.

5. With knife make the square pieces immediately and allow it cool down.

After 5 min sweet delicious peanut chikkies are ready to eat.

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